Free Resources, just for you.

Wherever you are on your journey, OMMA can help you.
Enjoy our ever-growing library of resources to support you on your journey, including: Meditations, Tapping tutorials, Visualisations, Breathwork and Free Guides.



Relaxation Meditation

It’s so easy to get swept up with the busyness and energy of the day, so … I invite you to pause for a moment and enjoy some guidance to bring back a little peace and calmness.


Letting Go Meditation

A nourishing meditation for your soul, to help you let go of anything no longer serving you


Morning Meditation

Welcoming the new day. If you can stand outside on the Earth to enjoy this meditation, that would be delicious! However, if you can’t, allow your imagination to take you there.

Feet on the earth, facing the direction of the rising sun…


Kids Sleep Meditation

This is a lovely meditation for kids who find it a little tricky to let go of the day and fall gently to sleep. It’s nurturing and relaxing for our precious little ones (or even big ones!). This is a favourite with many of my friend’s kids.


Self Worth

We can be our harshest critic can’t we? How much brighter is life when we recognise our worth; we remember how valuable we are. Embracing yourself (bumpy bits and all) is so necessary, yet too often forgotten. Give yourself a moment to celebrate you in all your imperfect glory and see how good it feels.

Guided Chakras

This nourishing chakra meditation will support the alignment of your chakras, allowing energy to flow and blocks to be released. It be used at any time to harmonise and balance your body's energy.

It is perfect to enjoy before sleep, or at any time of the day.

Tapping/Emotional Freedom Techniques

Introduction to EFT

This easy-to-learn technique can be used anywhere, anytime. It's called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques and is sometimes known as 'tapping'). It's a powerful technique that uses acupressure points to help calm your nervous system and reduce cortisol in minutes.

This quick 4-minute video allows you to become familiar with the acupressure points (tapping points) so you can add this phenomenal technique to your wellbeing ‘toolkit’.


Tap and Breathe

A simple technique of tapping on specific acupressure points while consciously breathing allowing your body to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and begin to calm.

Some more treats for you

  • Sleep Tips

    We all know the difference we feel after a quality sleep and when we have been deprived, we can change from a sane human to feel quite scattered and on edge.

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

    A beautiful meditation to guide yourself through whenever you’re in need of some loving kindness. To get started, find yourself a really comfy and safe place to settle.

  • Affirmations for Self Doubt

    Self-doubt is like that pesky little fly that you shoo away…you think it’s gone, but it just keeps coming back! Here are some affirmations to keep it away…

  • Meditation Q&A

    Here are some of the questions I get asked about meditating, so I thought I’d share them with you along with my responses.