Retreats & Circle

In October 2019, the ‘Wild Women Rising’ Retreat in Byron Bay was born. What an extraordinary group of courageous, powerful and authentic women showed up! Combined with the spectacular setting and amazing healers - a wildly feminine, nourishing, sensual and intoxicating retreat was experienced by all! We luxuriated in 4 nights and 5 incredible days at HappyNest Byron Bay where EVERYTHING was taken care of and we celebrated ourselves, each other, Mother Earth and being feminine!

In 2024 we are set to do it all again but with even more depth and possibly a bit wilder!

If you would like to know more about the 2024 Retreat or Sister Circles…

Please contact Emma if you are interested or 0407 204 246


The Experience


Day 1: Recovery


Rest and be nurtured, nourished, experience gentle ritual, ceremony, massage, nature, beauty, meditation, yoga, healing, being held, letting go...


Day 2 & 3: Discovery


Sensual, movement, dance, expansion, laughter, cycles, circles, deeper connection, healing


Day 3: Celebration


Celebration of self, each other, and Mother Earth..... feel the spine-tingling, the heart rejoicing and the mind expand when fully expressed, Wild, feminine, and connected to the elements...