Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Written By Emma Abbott

I see you

I see the many days when your focus is undirected and you are so easily distracted. The weight of all your responsibilities and your never-ending ‘to do’ list leaves you with no time and exhausted

Each day you feel further away from your purpose, ‘but what is my purpose?? I hear you murmur

Prone to overwhelm and often feeling tired - ‘just get me through the day’ I’ve heard you say

I love your intentions of clean, conscious living...  I know you care deeply for the planet but please don’t be harsh on yourself when your (often high) expectations are not met

I see you

Yearning for depth and connection

Thirsty for more

Recognising there is something missing.. but not sure what it is.  An emptiness you keep trying to fill

I know there are days you feel your unspoken sadness to your core

But you pop your smile back on and keep your sadness locked away, you keep the harmony

Besides, you think ‘I shouldn’t feel sad - I have so much!’

I know you want to give back and to be of service…. but you’re just not sure what you can offer the world, ‘can I really make a difference anyway’?

I see you

You have felt the deep pain of loneliness, disappointment and heartbreak even within your marriage

You are a natural nurturer - it's far easier to give than receive

You are creative and wise

But you do not recognise your worth and more often than not you are apologetic

You have had glimpses of your own power … then your critical self talk arises and prevents you from fully knowing and receiving this truth

You  wrestle with perfectionism, boundaries, self-expression and self-compassion 

You don't always feel safe in this harsh world

Anxiety has been your familiar and scattering companion

I see you

It's not easy for you to be vulnerable

To ensure others feel safe, you portray an image of strength...

Your sorrow, rage, anger, wildness gets pushed far, far away

You settle with what you’ve got, you don’t want to disturb the peace

You love beauty in nature, in words, design and in the human spirit

The stars, the moon, the sun rising and setting; the ocean and the mountains all set your heart a-light but you often forget to make space for this beauty to be witnessed and felt ...

Where have I gone?

 I see you

I stretch out my hand to you

My hand is gentle and full of love and understanding

I know your sadness and loneliness, your frustrations and overwhelm - I know these feelings all too well

I am beside you to give you guidance and remind you of your beauty, your wisdom and your power

I‘ll remind you to look up at the stars and make time to watch the sunrise

Yes, you have time for this

I’ll remind you to look within - I promise it’s safe and yes, once out of your head…. it’s quite magical

I’ll reassure you again and again that you are safe and it’s ok to fly

I can see why you want to stay small, it’s comfortably familiar and you honestly don’t know how to be any other way - no one has shown you the way on a well lit path

No one has held your hand and guided you along the way until you remember. Until you remember without a moment's hesitation of who you are, you remember your own rhythm, your true worth, your creativity and your true power

I will show you how to connect with YOU, your cycles, your innate wisdom and with the divine - there is no need to  feel lonely nor disconnected again

I will remind you not to be afraid of your magnificence

I’ll remind you that you can’t get this thing called life ‘wrong’

Let go of the judgement, perfectionism and the ‘should’s’

I’m here to simply remind you because you already know all of this!  You have the answers, don't ignore the whispers of truth. Take action, daily action!

Will it be smooth sailing… probably not. Will you continually forget? Time and time again. Will I be here for you? Absolutely.

I see you. 

In memory of my beautiful mentor and now angel, Sharon.


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