Sleep is one of the pillars of health

We all know the difference we feel after a quality sleep and when we have been deprived, we can change from a sane human to feel quite scattered and on edge.

Research shows that poor sleep has immediate negative effects on our hormones, work and exercise performance, and brain function.

1. Increase natural light exposure during the day

Your body has a natural time-keeping clock (known as your circadian rhythm) which affects your brain, body, and hormones - helping you stay awake and telling your body when it’s time to sleep.

Natural sunlight or bright light during the day helps keep your circadian rhythm healthy. This improves daytime energy, as well as nighttime sleep quality and duration.

2. Reduce blue light exposure in the evening

Blue light tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime. Once again affecting the circadian rhythm. There are several ways you can reduce blue light exposure in the evening:

  • Blue light glasses, download an app such as F.LUX to reduce blue light exposure on your phone.

  • Stop looking at screens for 2 hours, min 1 hour before bedtime

3. Don’t consume caffeine late in the day.

4. Try to keep sleep and wake times consistent

Your body’s circadian rhythm functions on a set loop, aligning itself with sunrise and sunset.

5. Lower your alcohol intake

Although a drink or 2 of alcohol in the evening can help you get off to sleep, the quality of your sleep is often affected. It may even be a contributing factor if you wake during the night.

6. Exercise regularly

7. Don't eat too late in the evening

8. Optimize your bedroom environment

To optimize your bedroom environment, try to minimize external noise, light, and artificial lights from devices like alarm clocks. Phone on aeroplane mode. Make sure your bedroom is a quiet, relaxing, clean, and

enjoyable place. Comfy mattress, pillow. And ensure the temperature is right.

9. Relax and clear your mind at night

Strategies include listening to relaxing music, reading a book, taking a hot bath, meditating, deep breathing, and visualization

10. Lavender oil, chamomile tea


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